Jul 31, 2021 | Podcast
Antonio Torres is known as „The Tao Way“ and is an active youtuber, trainer and student. He incorporates different methods, skills and techniques into his own coaching. His journey started in an early age in his childhood. He practiced ballet, wrestling,...
Jul 29, 2021 | Allgemein
Antonio Torres is known as „The Tao Way“ and is an active youtuber, trainer and student. He incorporates different methods, skills and techniques into his own coaching. His journey started in an early age in his childhood. He practiced ballet, wrestling,...
Jul 29, 2021 | Podcast
Antonio Torres is known as „The Tao Way“ and is an active youtuber, trainer and student. He incorporates different methods, skills and techniques into his own coaching. His journey started in an early age in his childhood. He practiced ballet, wrestling,...
Jul 26, 2021 | Allgemein
„The more expansive the toy, the cheaper the mover“ – Ido Portal Trainingstools sind aus dem Trainingsbereich nicht mehr wegzudenken. Täglich strömen neue hinzu. Von völlig abgefahren und unnötig bis zu simpel und hilfreich ist alles dabei. Welche...
Jul 24, 2021 | Podcast
Daniel Pugge ist Sportwissenschaftler, Coach und Sportler in Bereichen wie Triathlon, Hindernisläufen (OCR) und beispielsweise Marathon. Auf Youtube teilt er sein Wissen und seine Erfahrungen zu Themen wie Ernährung, Krafttraining und Recherche zu Filmen wie...
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